Here is the next stage of painting for the LOTR elves. With the initial "shaded basecoat" complete, I could get down to using my glazes to shade them and tint the figures. The whole idea is to simplify the colors involved, so that they could be easier to match in the future (long after I have forgotten what went into them!).
Besides, lots of colors tend to "go away", and they always seem to be favorites or army essentials, don't they?
I had a few glaze colors out on the palette... a Reikland Earthshade, an Agrax Earthshade, a sepia shade from vallejo, and a lamenters yellow. Using a very small brush, I used toned down lighter glazes to hit the least shaded areas of the gold armor. Where I wanted it to be darker, I used the Agrax mixed with some coelia nightshade. I will be doing a few more tints on the armor.
The cloaks had a mix of druichi violet and black. I used some Reikland mixed with the coelia on the flesh tones.
I will be going back in with more accents in the darks, and then begin working back in some lighter colors. Then it will be time for freehand and the shields where needed.
I will be sure to post the images of the finished guys! They are all supposed to look like the central miniature...