Sorry for the delay folks! We didn't even get back to the house until 1am, and I found myself falling out of the chair when I tried to process these images. :-) So, I had to wait until I recovered to get tho them!
It was nice to finally see everything put together for the first time!
I got a chance to see just what the lights could do, and if people would actually take the time to look at everything and read the story, etc.
You can see that I had the story placed on top of the army board, and it was still difficult to get people to notice it, much less read it. Since it is a bit vital to the understanding of everything on the board, I will have to find some way of rectifying that. I may have to do some kind of blurb on another piece of papaer with a small illustration, kind of like the inside leaf of a book cover (or movie preview!) to draw people in.
We arrived at the store around 10am, with the voting to begin at 5pm. I had counted on having some time, so I sat down to work:
I decided to hit the Ushabti, since it would let me get them on the board to see what they would look like.
I am looking forward to having more of them out on the board, as well as all the skeleton guards. The Necro Knights and additional chariots will really chew up almost 80% of the open space you see in the photos.
Once the voting was done, I put the titan on the board to give folks an idea of what is coming...
You will continue to see lots of updates here, all the way through July. There will be other Games Day projects as well, such as the Great Taurus, the Hobgoblin wolf riders, LOTR stuff, a Decimator, and other random things!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I must get to all that!