It is now time to get around to the Necropolis Knights! I probably won't be using these in a game until I can expand the unit to six, but I have been wanting to see what they look like with some color on them!
First I began by drawing out the basic design:
Then setting down the basic colors:
It was time to start shading the snakes lighter, using the same color scheme that I did on the Stalkers:
I continue to lighten the snakes, working up to the same brightness level of the stalkers:
Once I had the shading complete, it was time to create the scale patterns from the Stalkers:
I proceed with the pattern, and I begin to paint the skull design as well...
More shading on the skull, and getting some color into the eyes. The rest of the usual demon faces and skulls are started in the marble areas...
Now I focus more on the faces in the marble sections:
The demon faces and skulls are almost complete, and more colors are added to the main skull design.
At this point I go back into the small skulls and demon faces to reclaim the darkest colors:
Once the darks are re established, I put the glowing elements in, and work the crown of the skull design.
Almost done!
Here we have the bases ready to go!