Sorry for that... it's been a very long day, and as they say... it ain't quite over yet.
Anyway, among other things, I managed to get the colossal painted!
I tried very hard to keep the colors consistent with the other constructs, such as the Stalkers, Necro Knights, Ushabti, Titan, and the Sphinxes.
You might also notice that the patterns on the 'cloth' are the same as the ones down in the Tomb level. It was a lot easier to paint them on the miniature!
I will probably add some more tidbits after Games Day here and there. A bit more freehand in some places.
Here is a "Colossal" view. A "glory" shot :-)
The game was on while I was painting the big guy. Baseball was also watching the game, and he seems very excited that Alexi has hit a 2 run bomb to extend the lead to 7 runs and put the Sox back into a 1st place tie.. However, Alexi appears to be less excited...