Well, when I was approached by Eastern Front Studios about painting some miniatures for their Kickstarter program, I was not sure how it would all work. Looking at the images that I was shown... some fantastic concept art by the very talented Andy Hopp, I was immediately persuaded to say "Yes, I want to paint those!!"
Who wouldn't? Look at these amazing ideas. To me, they are completely unique. Hard to say in this day and age. :-)
I cannot tell you which ones might be made right off the bat, but I have tried to set up these pictures according to the increasing levels of support.
These are going to be sculpted by Jason Wiebe, who has done so many great sculpts for Reaper. I know that Cathy and I have painted many figures sculpted by Jason.
Obviously, more details are forthcoming. This is more of an introduction. I believe that early 2013 is the time frame for this project. All of the painting that I do will be featured on the blog, as I prep them and paint them. I think it will be a very fun journey!!!
Should things go well with the Kickstarter, you could ultimately be seeing such whimsical and different gribblies like these!!