What to do when you have those "orphan" bits... those pieces and fragments that you hang onto when you think "Hey, I could make something out of this..."
Well, you rethink your entire army, just so that you can create a conversion that uses those lonely bitz.
Or, you want to create an even more elaborate Liche priest on a horse to go with a new unit of horsemen.
Perhaps both!
As you can see, I had an odd collection of leftover bits. I am not sure how I ended up with just one Casket mage arm, but I did. I also had a small carrion from the Tomb Guard sprue. I got this vision in my head (you don't want to know what goes on in there), and I had to see if it could be made (dessicated) flesh.
I am still adding some more little things to this, but it will be the centerpiece of that 18 man horse unit. You already saw the movement tray in progress.
This is also part of that grand experiment to see how the foam core works which has replaced the usual cavalry bases. It has been very nice so far, especially on the big Tomb Guard unit! Much easier to keep all the floor sections level and seamless.