Actually, I added almost as much foliage to my fingers and clothes as I did to the tree! There are several kinds of foliage involved, with Woodland Scenics realistic tree, moss, clumping flock, and regular flock.
These first images were shot including the two miniatures you saw in the previous post.
You can see the various foliage types. I started off with the Woodland Scenics realistic tree. It is expensive stuff, but it looks so realistic! I use it to "finish off" my sculpted branches. Basically, it allows me to sculpt less, since I don't have to sculpt the most delicate branches. This material also served as a support for the clumping flock and moss.
Some close ups of the figures, but also of the foliage. I made sure to create nice little vignettes around the platforms with the foliage, and to put some flock on the rooftops.
One the main base I used some dried flowers. These are very neat, but can sometimes have a rather unpleasant fragrance. Sometimes the dye they use can be pretty smelly,
Here's another close up of the rooftops. It was a lot of fun to see all the foliage on them, but what a mess! Flock all over the place!
Now we have some long shots with no miniatures.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane! :-) I have another big set of images of a scratch sculpted Mammoth I did for the Celtos game system. That will be very fun! For now, I leave you with one last image of the Elven Sentry Post...