OK folks! Time for those Day two images I promised!
The first round was against an ogre army. The task was to control the big platic sheet in the center of the board. So, the ogres begin to advance onto the jungle ice sheet...
The Terradons take flight!
Marching towards the great Ice Sheet...
Babo prepares to meet his foe, minus the Temple Guard, who were blown away by a miscast despite an active Throne of Vines spell. This would happen on the next 2 turns as well.
Big mess on the ice.
The mess just gets worse, and some rules questions ensue. Things go bad, and out comes the Zamboni...
We move on to round two against the High Elves! Tons of shooting and swordmasters on their side.
Here is the initial advance:
This goes back to the initial deployments in the deeper bu narrower deployment areas...
The saurus cavalry (who are not stupid for the first time all day), charge forward, which may have been kinda stupid :-)
A crazy challenge continues for 3 turns with a skink chief and a High Elf for 3 rounds, which holds up the Lizard advance. It was an epic purse fight of Prada vs Gucci.
Round three was a very odd battle with beastmen. Most of my critical characters, such as Babo, decided to be fashionably late! So many strange things happened, but the lizards ultimately won by a single point!
Here we are chasing the beastmen from our favorite spawning pool...
Spawning pool secured!
Round four was even crazier. Here we see the Dark Elves and lizards deployed:
The host of Babo attempts to swing the hammer on the left flank!
And now for Indisputable Visual Evidence of the Cold Ones going stupid...
That only happened in every single freakin' game. That left Babo to try and Dweller those Pointy eared fools into oblivion...
Unfortunately, there are just too many guys with those spears.
Despite his heroic efforts, Babo cannot Dweller enough of the ape elves, and their dastardly monsters survive all the poison in Lustria to wipe out the Temple Guard, leaving Babo to fend for himself...
I guess it is an artifact of the more complex and confusing game system, but it felt like each game I played in the WFB tourney was using a different set of rules. I got this idea speaking to the folks I was playing in the later Saturday games, and also from the team tournament on Sunday. By contrast, I felt like I played four 40k games using 1 rules set. There really are so many crazy things that can happen in a Fantasy game!
All it takes is one failed panic test and Boom! I kept forgetting in 40k yo don't have any of that. I promise that next year I will not declare charges at the start of my 40k turns, and that I won't call the close combat phase in WFB the assault phase! :-)
Once more, many thanks to Alex and all those who made this event possible!!!!!