This was project for a small blood bowl league that never quite got off the ground.
I had made the stadium many years ago. There is a previous post with a few pictures of the Glacier Dome, and all the mischevious penguin fans inside.
This is more about the new miniatures I had been painting for the team. The original Juneau Icebergs were a chaos dwarf team. They were the very first minis I ever tried to paint back in 1995.
I was very interested in trying to reprise that old team, knowing what I know now!
The colors of the team are very similar, but I had learned so much since that first try! Just the flesh tones alone were so different, as I did each figure with a different shade.
Also, the bases were a good deal fancier, using some baked sculpey to simulate the ice.
When I get a chance to continue working on this set of figures, I will be sure to make another blog post!
The bases themselves will be getting a heavy dose of gloss coat, similar to what I did on the Impact Hockey players a while back.
I also have a coach figure riding on a polar bear that is hilarious! You're going to like that one. :-)
Here's the team out on the field.
As always, I love making logos, and this was very fun!
It's too bad the league did not take off, since these lads were off to a great start...