So, moving on with the painting of the movement tray for the horsemen. I occurred to me that I never did a step by step set of images on how I paint the hieroglyphs on the perimeter of the tray. So, here it is!
I begin by painting the tan color around the perimeter, doing some cursory shading along certain parts so that it is not too boring, and also lets me have the highlighting show up much more.

If the highlights were placed against only the lighter tan, there would not be much effect!
Now for the translation. I spent several hours doing the translations using a few websites and transferring that into a scaled down version that would fit along the outside of the tray.

I place this guide right next to the tray, and paint the designs:

The text is carried throughout the length of the tray, featuring the Cartouche of the Silver Pharaoh.

Once all the glyphs are in place, it is time to paint in some cracks...

Then it is time to highlight the edges of the cracks and the glyphs so that they look like they have been carved.

Now all the highlighting has been completed:

You can see how this really sets off the darker and cooler colors of the marble quite nicely!

So, you wanna be a miniature painter? You also have to be a good dishwasher! This is just a handful of the stuff that has been washed down this week. :-) Fingers like prunes...