As I mentioned on the other Demon Prince I posted the other day, these older varieties are a bit more fun, even though it was more difficult to convert being metal!
I had fun adding the axe and the wings, and then painting all the chaos symbols on them!
This is one of several squads of Pre Heresy color scheme World Eaters. As with the rest of the army, the idea here was to set up the possibility that they could also be used as tainted Loyalist marines. I even created heavy bolter marines for those times :-)
I will add more images here when I can get the pictures processed...
This was a fun example of non-metallics. I was using greens, purples, you name it, trying to get as much reflected light as I could, along with varying color temperatures.
Here is another Pre Heresy assault squad, but this time in red! What a huge difference that simple element made. The icons also were a bigger challenge. Not only are the reds a much broader range of values, but temperature is also more of a facter.
For instance, the darks on these were intentionally made cooler, with regal blue and scab red added together.