I figured that it is just about time to begin posting images of my new Fantasy Army: The Legions of the Tainted Pharaoh. The story for the army has been written, and that will be posted next week.
The concept behind the army is that it has been corrupted in a deal with a Tzeentch Demon who has passed himself off as a Khemri Deity. In return for making the Pharaoh and all his men corporeal again, they must submit to his plans.
Therefore, most of the iconography has Tzeentchy themes, blending those with more typical Tomb Kings designs. The colors are wild and 'exhuberant', showing the ever increasing taint of the God of Change. I have been sculpting and converting Carrion which will convey this idea even more.

The reason for this unusual concept was my desire not to have any of the normal colors that you see ... Gold, Red, Blue, etc. Those color schemes have been done quite well, and there is no sense in me repeating them :-)

The army board design is even more elaborate than the Temple of Blood, and construction begins in earnest this weekend! I will post some of the sketches and in progress photos for you to see!

The floor designs were a big part of the army for me. I have wanted to do something like it for quite a while. My other units of chariots and horsemen not only have the designs you see on this example, but the movement trays which hold them have hieroglyphs which proclaim the alliance with this "new" God.

The 'metal' surfaces in the army will be variations on silver, with little or no gold. The idea is that the corruption of Tzeetch has changed everything that was gold into a quicksilver or mercury, constantly blending into new shades.

Here are some shots of the minis:

And now for the base with no minis: