Here we go! After getting some much needed rations, it was time to rejoin the fight.
You can see in these next few images the King and some elves trying to engage the downed orcs.

I was hoping to get a few kills here, since Rich had another unit of orcs marching along the side of the board. If I could get the numbers of this engaged unit down, I could sustain another engagement with that new approaching unit. This images shows that additional unit trying to outflank me.

That really wasn't too horrible, since it meant that they were not advancing towards the scoring board edge.
This wider view image shows the troll on the ground, and the wargs running away after the riders were tossed.

At this point, we would begin another huge run of priority for the evil side. I had to expend whatever might I had left to cast the Wrath spell again to knock down that same batch of orcs. The stormcaller on this side had been fortunate enough to roll a '6' each time he cast it, so I was able to get the will back. My second stormy was not so lucky...

So, after a few turns of no priority, the troops on that side of the board get more and more surrounded. I did manage to kill a few of the orcs that were down, but I could never get to squeeze the shaman (good job by Rich!), and Fury proved to be very valuable, as it usually does.

My group is holding its own, but that is soon about to change. However, my elves on the far side of the board have killed off the last of the wargs, and are about to march off the board. The timing is going to be delicate, as I don't want to break too early, but I certainly want to drop down to 25% at just the right moment.

This is a big moment late in the game. The Undying was able to sap the remaining will of the second stormcaller, which will prevent me from doing the wrath spell for the remainder of the game. That will be nasty, since the wrath spell is at its most effective in those 'end of game' scrums.

We realized that I made another error by getting greedy with the archers, trying to move them into position for pot shots, getting them just close enough to the downed troll to be charged (it was less that a quarter inch difference). Those two should have been off and running towards the scoring board edge. Instead, they got whacked by the troll. There were a few failed courage rolls on my part that kept the troll and the Undying from being engaged, giving both of them critical freedom of movement.

At this stage, I was left with only desperate charges. I could not get priority, and there was no way to move away. The King was now getting exposed to multiple attacks, and the low fight skill of the Dead would be very costly. Normally, the Elves engage in those same fights to get the fight skill 5 into the mix, but that does not work when you are outnumbered!

We are now nearing the end of the game. This turn will end very badly for me, leaving just a few figures left. At this moment, all of the unengaged units are leaving the scoring board edge.

What remains of the Good forces here will now be mostly wiped out, except the stormcaller survives multiple attacks by the troll!

Lots of casualty markers where there used to be elves... :-(
Somehow, I don't have images of my biggest mistake... one that would cost me a win. I took the King of the Dead (one wound remaining) and went after a free orc. That was a huge mistake, since I had the orcs 7-1 on recon points. They obviously got the +3 for breaking. Had I not done the stupid move with the King, they would have only gotten a +1 for wounding him.
Instead, I was a idiot, and generated 2 more VP's for the orcs, making the game a draw. Rich had stuck to his original plan, but I had deviated enough from mine at key moments to lose my advantages. We always emphasize NOT doing that, so hopefully that will make me think twice about doing that again!
Thanks again to Rich for doing this test! Each of the 3 games has been very close (2 draws and a 1 point win), with every move being vital along the way. Unlike Warhammer Fantasy, where getting tabled in 2-3 turns is possible (if not the norm these days), this was a 12 turn slugfest that went back and forth.
I hope it was interesting for all of you!