Here is a newer figure from Dark Age... part of the expansion of the Air Caste. It is very different to be working on these when I am painting so much 40k stuff!
I have been painting figures for dark Ages since 2003, which covers most of the line :-)
For as tiny and a simple as these figures appear to be, they were much more painful than I thought they were going to be!
I think the fact that they had to be attached to the bases prior to painting had a lot to do with it. Normally I paint all of my minis while they are pinned to a dowel rod, and getting attached to the base when everything is done. You will see what I had to do to paint that lower half of the mini in the WIP images later. :-)
Also, I had never assembled basic Eldar troops before, and I was in for a real surprise! I didn't notice at first that only certain guns go with certain torsos, and certain torsos with certain legs... and so on. That made me have sad face. At least that was in the back of my mind when I started assembling my Dark Eldar troops earlier last year!
These WIP shots show you some of the madness involved in making these guys!
This was one of the first Blood Bowl teams where I did more elaborate things such as tattoos, and very high chroma color schemes. My apologies for the somewhat blurry pics, but this was probably 2 or 3 cameras ago!
Here's another set of bases, made with Apoxy sculpt and green stuff.
More elaborately sculpted bases such as these get really tricky, since it does not take much to create a fantastic base that leaves you nowhere to place a miniature!
The woodland bases are the classic example. They are probably the most difficult to make interesting, but leave enough of a 'foot[print' for a miniature. I kept placing various figures on the bases as I was sculpting them, so that they might at least have a chance to fit something on them!
Getting these to rank up in a fantasy unit is yet another challenge...