There was a rather dramatic pause leading up to the announcement of Best Appearance, with tle being between myself and Johnny Hastings. Ultimately, the winner was...

Yes! The victory Babo had sought. It was hard won, and the margin was razon thin. A very tough choice that I would never have wanted to make, having judged painting in past years.
The prize was pretty darn generous, and of course, Babo claimed it all for himself.

My wife and I look forward to painting our own Dreadfleet now! The building will be great for our upcoming LOTR games, and we can never have enough hobby supplies on hand! For obvious reasons, we exhaust them in a frightfully small amount of time!
It is getting late again, and the lack of sleep is really hitting me, so I will conclude with a bit of a preview of Day Three... Civil War Dwarfs!!!!