The trickiest part of painting these was to paint the entire top portion of the speeder prior to attaching it to the rest of the vehicle. I had to hope for some clean attachments, without damaging too much of the paint! It was not easy to keep the paint or primer from getting to the attachment points.
This was a project I enjoyed very much. I took a variety of bitz and combined them together with a bit of sculpting and made a Vulkan conversion. The flamer was made from a few IG flamers.
Putting some saurus heads on the backpack was fun! I got the idea from the Space wolves backpack with the wolf heads.
After painting these three, I can say that painting land speeders is 'tricky', and not exactly a barrel of monkeys. They had to be painted in numerous individual parts, and then glued together in the end, which was a very nervous moment!
I also made some special bases for them with cork, sculpey and bitz.