Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Old timey

Here's another one of those test figures for the video project.  Some of you may recognize this set of colors.

I used them on the Ultraforge Demon Prince.  Essentially, it was an extension of the 'Raging Reds' video, which used a full range of red colors. There was a mix of warmer and cooler, saturated vs grayed down, and so on.

Playing with those two mechanisms is a whole lot of fun these days.  Years ago, when I was trying to figure it out during and right after art school, it drove me nuts!  Warm colors come forward, cool colors recede.  That is, unless the warm color is grayed down, and the cool color is high chroma!

It has long since become second nature.  Even more fun, since I get to do that in 3D!!


  1. Great work!! I especially love the spots on the wings and the fiery orange 'glow'. Excellent :-)

    1. Thanks! It was pretty wild to transfer this kind of color scheme to the huge Ultraforge Demon :-)
