Friday, March 22, 2013

That that makes five... wyche coven!

Guess what?  Time for another Raging Heroes gal!  She completes that first squad (group photos tomorrow), with one more batch of five coming.

It was lots of fun to be able to put some freehand on these with the tattoos.

You might be seeing my Raging Heroes figures in a painting magazine in the near future.  I will keep you appraised of those developments.

I am looking forward to the next test session with the Dark Eldar.  We will be using the diagonal deployment zones, with either the fast attack or heavy support as scoring units.  Rich will be using his Imperial Guard, which could be really bad for me.

If we get night fighting on turn 1, that would be fantastic, but I have not been able to roll higher than a '1' for that, of course. :-)  My suspicion is that all the IG shooting will blow me away very early, making things very tough. 

In our last test, that role was reversed, as my shooting had a longer range than the Demon army Rich was using.  All I had to do was stay back and watch the fun.

I wish the photos of that last test had turned out better, but hopefully this one will work out better.  At least everything is all primed, based and even partially painted!!!

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