Friday, September 25, 2015

Prepared to destroy

This was another color test figure, exploring a few new mixes.  I made the base a long time ago as an example for something else, so it was quite handy that he fit on there so well!

It was a very bright Reaper color, called Mint Green.  It's one that I had used a few times last year, but it became set aside in the mayhem since Reapercon 2014 :-)

It makes a very interesting metal color, because it can really contrast in saturation, or color purity, from any sort of weathering or rust colors!

He's also here:


  1. I cried a little when this one was already taken. So gorgeous! Is it down to minutes after you list it now? haha

    1. Hehe... well, with our crazy travel schedule over the next few weeks, there will not be so many popping up :-) I think the next one would be Wednesday at the earliest...

    2. Wow. Very nice work. base is fantastic. Really great atmosphere...

    3. Many thanks for the kind words!!!
