Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Is there a Doctor in the house?

Indeed there is!  The sixth member of the Wayward Eight is Sun Totem.

He's got some very fancy duds there!  At least according to that universe. :-)

Her he is with his sister...

A very scary family combo!

Six of the Eight.

The final two are just about complete!


  1. They look great, the bases really tying the group together.

    1. Thanks! Ahhh, I love the group shots. It really gives you a sense of what you have accomplished!

  2. The pink teddy bear is so much fun, I almost want to see similar little icons on the other bases :).

    1. I had thought about putting a med kit on his base... and cow dung on the others! ;-)

    2. You should! I think it adds a bit of fun flare!

      Oh you might enjoy this. Been going through your videos and practicing. Still not there, but I was able to get one heck of a beautiful texture on a grate thanks to your techniques!

      So thanks! (Still in Training Greg)

    3. Could you send me the link by facebook? No matter how I try to copy the link, all I get is my blog post :-)

  3. Now that CMON is finished with the downloads, I can start selling videos post KS. You can drop me a line on Facebook if you want for now :-)

  4. James,

    I had sent a FB message a while back and unfortunately haven't got a response yet regarding your DVDs. Can you please verify you got the message? It came from initials P.L.

    Simply amazing work as usual sir! Never disappointed when I visit this site daily so see what is possible with some patience, practice, and good technique.

    1. Facebook message sent. Your notes showed up in the 'other' feed, since we have not yet friended each other! :-)

  5. Great, will do thats, thanks!
