Thursday, June 13, 2013

Something for human flesh...

While I realize this is not a 'human' figure, I needed something for the human flesh tone video.  I ended up using one of my Raging Heroes Sci-Fi Blood Vestals because I was curious to see what they would look like in a color scheme different from the one I used for my army. :-)

It was actually a lot of fun to paint them in more 'natural' colors, so I am glad I did that.

Besides, there was plenty of flesh showing, and the face is not hidden with too much hair, or feathers, or fur, which usually end up on barbarian style figures that I had considered.

So, moving ever forward!!!


  1. Very nice painting and great choice of colors !

    1. Thanks! It was fun to paint this in armor that was not red!

  2. She looks a bit sunburned and slightly too pink on the upper torso. Might be the lighting of the pictures though.

  3. Fantastic as always. :) Cant wait for the painting DVDs

    1. I don't like it...I love it! :D

    2. Thanks! I just realized it was the first time I painted one of the Vestals in something that was not blue hair!!

  4. I was thinking sunburnt too - but I think it's just the light. If you look at the bottom-right picture the skin on her chest doesn't look so pinkish.

    Though that does raise the question of how her breast is so pale when it's presumably exposed all the time!

    1. Maybe she only lost that one piece of armor recently :-)

  5. Nipple!
    I'd like mine brown please... :p

    Great work as always.

  6. Great mini, great paint job! Her legs especially look very realistic.

    But, Jim, couldn't you have called it "caucasian flesh"? Since that's what you actually mean?

    1. I was trying to avoid any sort of ethnic or racial names on the videos, but there really is no way around it, it there...

      Originally, there was just going to be one non orc, elf, or demonette flesh tone, which is why I still call it 'human' ;-)

    2. Yeah, all the fantasy races make terminology tougher. It's just... you have an earlier post of another mini done in "african" tones. The contrast this creates is kinda problematic.

  7. What colours did you use to paint the armour? I like that look and might use it on my own models.

    Nice skin tones as always.

    1. There was no specific set of colors for the armor. I used a tan color, which was lightened with a bright seafoam green. I did some glazes with a blue black wash.

      I went back in with a yellow white do do final highlights... I hope that is helpful!
