Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Some color test Sisters

Time for more Sisters!  Let's start out with a color test mini.  There are more things that will be done on the 'real' figs, such as the tattoos and face paint, along with freehand designs on the cloaks.

The idea here was to see what some of the brass/gold might look like.

The big base you see in these images was meant for the Inquisitor Karamazov giant walker.  The character in the mural is the Living Saint mentioned in the army story, which I posted the other day.

I chose all the green and brass to get away from all the red, black and white that you see all the time!  It also fit perfectly with the story I created!  Double bonus. :-)

The original army was going to have lots of Immolators and heavy flamers, but 6th edition pretty much wipes all that out.  I am pretty sure a multi-flyer list or Tau gunline can destroy them by turn 2.

That's why I am striving for as many bodies on the board as possible.  At least 160.  Hopefully more!


  1. So for your display board are you going to be able to just "assemble" the troops and their bases will make a unified picture for the whole display?

    1. If you go back a few posts, you will see a sketch of the army board. It will be about 4 feet tall :-)

  2. I love the green and brass colors, and the large base in breathtaking! Inspirational!

    1. Many thanks! It will be neat to see a bunch of these ladies all together!

  3. Great results, and your basework is superb. I'd say you're on the right path.

    1. Thanks! It has been a while since I did an army with the marble style bases. That's how I used to do all of them. This will be very fun!

  4. Well I have to say that I felt in love right now !
    Especally the "Angel" on the base. Have yopu had to do any sketches ?
    Not on a peace of paper but any first draw on the base before panting ?
    The colour schema is perfect. Looks very well on sisters.
    I have to say that I like them the most from the news on your blog so far :)

    Is there any article about ("how to do") these bases shown wright here ?

    1. I had done some regular sketches on paper first. If you look in the basing section of the blog, there are tons of 'how to' articles there.

      When I start working on the Sisters, I will post lots of step by steps!
