Saturday, September 15, 2012

Rome wasn't built in a day, but this was! Part TWO

OK!  Here is part two of our terrain building!  We are just about done with that building process, so that we can slap some paint on it!

While we waited for all the sand and gravel to dry, Cathy was hard at work gluing clumping flock onto trees and inhaling super glue fumes...
Here are some of the trees (from Woodland Scenics) with the branches all bent carefully into place.

The flock added successfully thanks to Cathy's clever system!

Here you can see all the fills and rock outcropping drying, waiting for paint!
Gotta get all that gravel and foam cleaned off the board!  And the floor... That makes it really important to have a handy supply of newspapers!

The painting begins with some very big brushes, working quickly with large swatches of color.  You can see that I got some grey paint on the shale rocks.  Cathy painted the roads, while I did all the "grassy" areas.  We each mixed in some black latex house paint with our colors, so that acted as a sort of de facto primer.

The painting continues as I get all the open space covered in a variety of shades.  Since I was working very rapidly with such a big brush, I could practically mix my colors right there on the board!

Once I had all the surface areas covered, it was time to start "scumbling" paint into those large flat (boring) spaces.  I used a variety of tans, yellows, light greens, and even some of Cathy's road mixture.

I tried to 'frame' Cathy's roads with this scumbling (a bit like stippling) technique with the large brush...
The roads never got dry enough to do the lighter drybrush on them, but that will wait for next week!  In the meantime, I painted the edge black...

So stay tuned for the next adventure, when I paint all the hills and rocks as the Bears get whacked on Thursday night football!

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