Sunday, October 27, 2013

When you have an itch... scratch it

When I first started playing my Demonhunter army. I got a notion to start using dreadnoughts.  Since I had no funds available for such a purpose, out came the Sculpey to the rescue!

I think I ended up scratch building as many of six of these...

This time, I used a newer type of Sculpey, which is grey.  This is a type of clay that is used for movie mock ups and other similar projects, since it holds an edge very well, but is pliable.

I became very adept at scratch building these things.  In fact, I was able to make all the individual parts pretty rapidly, and them glue them all together once they had been baked.

This made for some very nice smooth edges, and a solid design.  They were pretty strong, since 5-6 years later, they are still just fine, after seeing a lot of action.

I was also to use the clay extruder to create several kinds of thin sheets.  They were like plasticard, but completely flexible!

The base was my usual cork and white Sculpey design.  For the assault cannon, I used a plastic wall anchor.


  1. Amazing scratch builds, very inspiring!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, and for checking out the blog!

    2. ....very, very, very, .......inspiring

    3. Thanks! I wasn't sure if I could figure it out, but after a few attempts, it was goo to go!

  2. We do read your blog, just not many of us post :P

    1. He he... I really appreciate the visits! So much goes into this, that makes it all worthwhile :-)

  3. Increadible work! Could you do an article on the different sculpeys out there, the differences in properties, price ect. As i am a little unsure about what the differences are. Thanks!

    1. If you do a search for Sculpey on the blog (on the left hand column), you will find tons of articles. The short version is that the 'white' basic sculpey is what works for carved base designs. Grey "Extra Firm" sculpey is what I use for this piece, as I described in the text.
