
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Plasma totin' priest

It's a bummer that there just were not enough points to squeeze in these Ministorum Priests and Astropaths.  That would have been very fun... potentially plaid robes on these guys! :-)

Right now, they are in the colors of my original much loved Demonhunters army.  You can see a number of posts in that section of the blog to show how these worked in my various retinues.

In fact, they still have their coded bases, which let everyone know what they were meant to be.
Since it could have gotten very confusing, each base was labeled with the words Mystic, Sage, Acolyte and so on.

This made it clear for both players, and it was a nice decorative element on the marble bases!

He is also here:


  1. This is perhaps one of my favourite miniatures of all time. Yours looks way nicer than mine though! :)

    1. This guy really does have a lot of character, doesn't he?

  2. Echoing the above - one of those classic GW minis. I've had this guy sat on my shelf for years but never once realised he had a Bionic arm!!! I just had to double check that you hadn't done one of your conversions on it. That little find just doubled the collness of this mini!!!

    Great paint job on him - I love the base, and i love the OSL.

    Great stuff James.

    1. Every time I turned around, I discovered some other detail that had been snuck onto him! :-)

  3. this is one of my favourite models and your painting made it look perfect! stunning work as always. I completly agree with Wappellious.

  4. This is an amazing mini...and that base is in another league entirely: absolutely brilliant work!
