
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Four of a kind

I was in need of a quad gun for the Aegis Defense Line, so that meant either breaking out the polystyrene tubing or finding s few bits. Rich and AJ happened to have four autocannon bits between them, so out came the knives!

With a little sculpey and a little plasticard, it took shape and then was complete!

I magnetized the base so that it could fit on this stand that I am working on, just in case people don't want it to go on the fortification itself.  You will see what I mean when I post the painted images of it...


  1. Good idea, I tried yesterday as soon as I saw the post. Quick to make, I think I'll make a small series for my rampart.

    1. Yes, the original thought passed my mind when I thought about constructing quick pieces for the walls of the cathedral...

  2. I love the simplicity of this. Very cool looking. Think I'll have to build one of these for myself!

    1. Thanks! You will have fun building one of these for sure!
