
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Home Invasion!

Now that you've seen the Monolith for my Tomb Kings, I wanted to show you the other piece of terrain that is demonstrated in the same video.  I just had to make these for my Lizard army!!

It is very fun to build, and once the foliage on it, the realism is pretty scary!

Another view from the filming of the video:

In addition to the monuments and houses, I created a video called Building Forts and Towers.  I used these in many of our games, and the walls were part of my display board at Adepticon!

And now for the house from the Home Sweet Home video.  Here's a few pictures that I shot as I was raising the roof!

The process of constructing the house is not very complex... this is the first of a series of posts:

Obviously, this is a very fun piece of terrain to paint!

Here's a few figures to give you a sense of size...


  1. Werewolfs are from Norsgard. Who made the damsel (in distress?)?

  2. Nice weathering again, they make your home made terrain so much more realistic.

    1. Thanks! It is so much more fun to play on that kind of terrain... it gives everything a boost :-)
