
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Charge me up!

Is your Iron Horse running a bit slow... running down on its RJ-1027 fuel source?

Well, just head on over to your nearest charging station, and it will have you back up to speed in a jiffy!

This is a fun little kit that Lathan made after seeing the charging stations I made using the leftover punch outs and pieces from other Burn in Designs kits.

It was scaled to work with all the light supports... Blackjacks, Dust Cutters, Interceptors, you name it!

The view from above shows the station with the boardwalk sections.  I can't wait to work on the new ones!

Deputy Beringer of the Lawmen seems to be taking charge of the situation as well.

It was fun to get some toasty RJ glow in this version of the charging station.

The store and wagons are also Burn in Designs kits.

Still much more to come for Wappelville!!! Stay tuned.


  1. The combination of the excellent scenery work, the models, and the attention to detail with the accessories really makes for a wonderful little universe you've created. Now you just need to get a nice textured/sandy table to plop them all down on!

    1. Thanks! I have a very fun 'backdrop' planned for the gaming board photos. It's a desert scene that will wrap around the table, so you can see off into the 'distance' ;-)

  2. Can't wait to see some gaming getting done with this stuff - do you work with a gaming/minis company - because you should be!

    1. Thanks! There are a ton of battle reports about various game systems on the blog... WWX, Memoir, LOTR and more :-) That's all in the Battle Reports section.
