
Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hey folks!  This is something truly different for me... a first time event!

This spectacular bust from Infamy Miniatures will be the first bust that I have ever painted.  It's going to be so much fun, because Infamy puts some serious craftsmanship into their figures.

There's a link to their facebook page at the end of this post.  When you check out the pictures of the renders on that page, you can be sure that all the details you see in those images directly translates to the actual casts.  Wow!

Not only are the details super crisp and well rendered, the consistency of the resin is very nice.  It is silky, resilient, and not brittle in the least.

I have been prepping a number of them over the last week, and they have been among the easier to prep resin figures... very impressive!

I'm sure that there will be a lot of unique challenges to approaching a bust, so I truly look forward to this.  Obviously there will be a lot of glowing effects!

You can check out their page here, and see what kind of spectacular figures that Infamy has created.  There will be more posts coming that show 54mm and 32mm scale versions.



  1. Looking forward to seeing the results as I await the arrival of the Kickstarter!

    1. It should be fun! I have test casts, not the ones being sent out to backers...

  2. Looks really amazing. Great Sculpt!!! With your legendary OSL It will be absolutely fantastic. We look forward to the result :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Really really really really really really excited to see you paint this James!

    1. The arcing energy beam should create some fantastic lighting effects!

  5. I look forward to you dabbling in new scales :)

    1. Hehe... the 32mm versions are just as amazing! :-)
