
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Painting Pyramid kickstarter goes LIVE!!!!!!

Hooray!!!!  Project approved!

At long last, what seemed little more than a dream has now become real.  Many have already helped us get this far.  Marty, Rich, Jon, CMON, Raging Heroes, Urban Mammoth, all the Beta Testers.  My heartfelt thanks goes out to you.

But now the real work begins!

Here is the link to the project:

As you loyal Wappellians already know, it took me quite a while to get the proposal written up.  It took me a while to get all the graphics completed, and I want to give you a little review of them now.

With such a long list of DVD subjects, it was very challenging to come up with a system so that people could choose what they wanted.  So, I made the master list shown in the $20 pledge level.  There is no formatting allowed in that column, so I had to rely on the "story" area to the left.  I created a banner for each of the DVD's, and gave it a number.  The numbers match the list, and give a bit of a synopsis of each one. As I make sample videos, I will try to post them as soon as possible!

 Here is what they look like:

We had to keep the original number of DVD's to a reasonable number.  Starting out with a full list of 50 would have been overwhelming, and delayed release times significantly!  We wracked our brains to get to that number of 20.  

Hint, hint... think Stretch Goals!
That seemed to be the best option to boost that number of subjects.

I have some basic extra things to start, such as the T-shirts and the dice.  When we start making the dice, I will get preview images posted as soon as possible.  Same for the shirts!

Also, I put in a limited amount of my art prints.  It was suggested by Kickstarter to have such things, so they are part of this first go around!

Here's an example...

It is my hope that everyone will be happy with this attempt.  There is not exactly a school for doing stuff like this, and it has been lots of trial and error.  I am putting everything I have into this, so it is now full speed ahead!

Here is the screen as I was about to launch...

There are also some larger stretch goals we have in mind, but we didn't want those to get in the way of the approval.  I promise, there are some nice big things we have in mind.

Now I must get out the word on Cool Mini!!!

Thanks to everyone here and on Facebook, who have been encouraging me all the way.  There is no way I would have gotten to this point without you.


  1. The kickstarter page says estimated delivery in March 2013, so what does that mean for the beta DVD?

    1. The Beta DVD will be coming much sooner than that. We purchased the software, but the computer needed more RAM. This is when we learned that the chips are very rare and hard to find.

      So, we are now trying to find a machine that will let us make the Beta DVD's. I will want all that to happen by the end of this month...

    2. Cool. Yeah, due to demand, the new, fast RAM is often much cheaper and easier to get ahold of than the slower, lower capacity RAM used in an older machine. Funny how that works.

  2. Glad to see you got this going - already a lot of backers by the time I got to the page! Can't wait to see you succeed with this, and I look forward to watching the videos :)

  3. Im super happy that your going ahead and look forward to giving you some money!!! I want one of Everything!!! Great work Jim!!

    1. If I had thought of it in advance, I could have come up with a snappy title for the full set of 20 videos... like "All in" or "Heroes of Wappellville" or something like that. Hmmm, perhaps a special designation on the credits? Yeah!

  4. Yeah . I hope your project will be founded very quickly . I love your drow's skin for my DE army :D and i'll love to learn your glaze and shaded basecoat technique . Cheers from france

    1. Wow, it does look like that primary goal could be reached, doesn't it? The best result of getting there sooner means I can start working out those stretch goals, instead of tacking on a bunch of stuff at the 11th hour!

      Many thanks!

  5. Fantastic news. Congrats! I will contibute the project at kickstarter. Will the beta testers be counted as backers on kickstarter? Jet another smile :-)

  6. Looks fantastic I'll kickstart later when I can choose what dvd's to pickup. Problem is I want them all and I'm a broke student :( probably pick up a few though

    1. Don't forget, the idea is to create something long lasting! If it is a while before your funding is available (man can I identify with that!), it is my goal to have these for sale for years to come.

      Many thanks!

  7. Wahey! Great to see you got this going James :)

    Can't believe I'm only just sitting down and reading this, and funding has nearly been achieved already! Way to go :D

    Now to pick which DVDs I want :P

    1. It's hard to believe! I really thought it would take at least 2-3 days. I guess I didn't want to get too far ahead of myself!!!

  8. Huh... I think you just might reach your goal :)

    Congrats ahead of time on a successful product!

    1. Thanks! When I finally passed out at around 5am, it was almost there, and had blown by less than 3 hours later! WOW!!

  9. Congrats! Not bad - you met your goal after what, less than 24 hours?!? Awesome!

    1. We were so stunned. Our assumption was that KS would have us doing tweaks and such, and that the goal would take at least 3-4 days to reach!

  10. I pledged to your kickstart, question when do we pick the DVDs we want??

    1. That should be at the end of the program, so that you can see all of the available titles. As stretch goals are reached, we can get the materials needed to make those additional subjects. etc.

  11. First off I think your going to have a large amount of success with this. One thing ive seen as an aspiring painter is theres no hard and fast this is the best way to learn how to paint...

    hopefully your dvds will change that! ;-)

    youve got my dollers!

    thanks again for the great product

    1. My technique changes with almost every figure I paint! It changes radically every 3 months or so, and even more with greater passage of time!!!

  12. How much is each DVD going to cost after the kick starter is over with? Just curious. I'm just strapped for cash right now but I do want a few of those for sure. Thanks.

    1. Hello!

      Our working figure for now is $20. I also think there is going to be a download option... probably hosted by CMON.


  13. I pledge for a lot of DVD :) I'm so happy with that !!!

  14. Hello!!!

    will there be subtitles in particular in French? please

  15. Super Interested in these DVDs Jim. I meet you at this past Adepticon2013 and I must say WOW your work is fantastic, you even came by our booth, Tectonic Craft Studios, and painted a chaos piece. Which was Awesome by the way!

    Do you know when these DVDs will be available to the public? Because I got to get me ALL of these.

    Keep up the Painting and great work man!

    1. Hello! That was very fun You guys make fantastic stuff!

      The videos will be available to the public once all the pledgers get their sets in July and August. :-)

