
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tank shock: Another walking brute from Rivet Wars!

I have not forgotten about Rivet Wars folks!  Here are some images of the Blighters tank.  You will have a lot of fun painting this guy.  Very Wild Wild West. :-)

I also want to insert a major thank you to everyone who has been supporting the Painting Pyramid kickstarter.  It has been unbelievable, and very gratifying.  Kudos to everyone who has helped us out, in more ways than I can mention.


  1. hi,

    i just found you blog by random and i was blown away by all the things you have done. And i did not know you where the one to have done this awsome models.

    im going to by this kick starter love the modles and the game looks cool to.

    i also have a rude question to ask, but can i take part of your blog roll?

    you will find me over at:

    thx a lot for the inspiration boost m8.

    1. Thanks! Will try to do that in a few days... so hectic right now! :-)

  2. Great stuff! Amazing really. Can you post a step by step of the rocket bike, wheel and tanks? The infantry ones are very useful.

    1. Glad you liked those! Right now, I don't have any of those figures to work with (there were a few spare infantry around), but the plan is to create how to videos and such for all the rest of the minis!
