
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I am Groot

These Malifaux Dryads were really interesting to paint, and certainly very different from the GW versions!

I was able to do some fun things with the muted tones... working in plenty of greens and even a few purples here and there to create some of that "hidden" contrast.

I think you can see some of that in these views.  To compliment those greens and purples, I also incorporated some of the Secret Weapon rust colors.

By virtue of the types of textures that I was dealing with, I could do a lot of glazing, which is fun.  These didn't just darken colors, but they also tinted them towards one shade or another.  Stay tuned for more!


  1. Splendid job! These are more my kind of dryad compared to the ones from Age of Sigmar.

    1. Thanks! These guys just had so much flavor! And each one so very different... :-)
