
Friday, January 19, 2018

Happy Anniversary!

This very fun little miniature is the 25th anniversary figure for Reaper Miniatures.  The face in particular was a fantastic shape to paint, with lots of character and eyes that were shaped well enough to get some nice details as well.

I have not gotten many opportunities to paint figures like this one, so that was great!  A little green stuff was used to extend the pewter base a little bit...

In addition to those Dark Sword figures, I have some Reaper minis which will be part of those Patreon Page demonstration videos.  These will be in addition to the usual live sessions on Facebook.  Just like the Dark Sword figures, those will be available for viewing by Patrons, and then raffled off like the Monthly Raffle figure.

I am going to try and record a few of those this week to see how they go!

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