
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Whatcha readin' there?

Yes indeed, one more Dark Sword figure!  This Swan Priestess is a much more recent sculpt than the previous figures you have seen.

The base was my usual baked sculpey, while the candles were made of polystyrene tubing covered with Vallejo water effects gel to simulate the melted wax.

I have been trying out all kinds of materials for that over the years, and this was absolutely perfect.  It was the closest thing to actually melting real wax. :-)

Obviously I had a lot of fun with the marble colors and patterns.  The idea  was to set up the colors of the dress, but also provide some contrast to all the white... including the candles.

She's also here:


  1. gorgeous paint. Tiles are wonderful. This little vignette has a lovely atmosphere, really magical. Superb !!!

  2. gorgeous paint. Tiles are wonderful. This little vignette has a lovely atmosphere, really magical. Superb !!!

    1. Many thanks for the kind words! These are very fun to create :-)

  3. Replies
    1. I'm glad that you liked this one! It was a lot of fun to paint!

  4. Gorgeous piece, but it is the dress which makes her stand out.

    1. Thanks! With all the greens and browns I had been doing, it was nice to get back into the blues and purples!
