
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A company gets the axe

Once again, lamentations over the fact that Ilyad Miniatures no longer exists.

I think they could really have done some great things with the technology that is currently available.  The details were always very finely sculpted, no matter what kind of surface or texture.  

Weapons, armor, fur, cloaks, faces, etc., were always made extremely easy to paint.

Figures that are not well sculpted or cast can take 2-3 times as long to paint, since you are quite literally fighting the texture of the miniature.  I have been through this torture all too many times over the years!

When you have finely sculpted musculature, for example, you can be even more adventurous with skin tone colors.  Here, I was able to incorporate a lot of greenish grey into the shadow areas, creating even more interest.


  1. Wow, this is called Colossus: -D. Great work on this beautiful sculpt. Super fine shading, AMAZING base, realistic blood ... amazing, almost "Howard's" atmosphere. Outstanding piece !!!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! It was very fun to paint!!

  2. Fantastic work on a great sculpt.

    1. Thanks! It's amazing just how easy it can be to paint miniatures that have this ultra high quality in all aspects :-)

  3. Great stuff, James. I'm lucky enough to be working on 2 of these barbarians right now, and they are easily the best sculpted pieces (at the scale) that I've painted. True gems, and a top job too. :)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, and I'm sure you will love painting yours! :-)

  4. Excellent Paint job. I have a model similar to this from meirce Minis, and was wondering how you did the flesh. I love it.

    1. Thanks! It's a bit complicated to explain quickly. It involves my shaded basecoat technique, and most importantly, mixing regular paint colors with glaze colors, such as the Secret Weapon washes.

      That created the semi transparent greens that you see in the flesh. Mixing a mid tone flesh color with a greenish glaze color creates that 'magical' greenish shade :-)

    2. Awesome, I have the secret weapon washes, love the company for their military discount (Canadian soldier), but they are taking some getting used to as they are matt or satin unlike the ones I have used before. For your shaded basecoat technique, is it only on CMON, or is it somewhere else. And thanks again for all your inspiration, I have made my own bases, using cork and sculpy like you show in one of your tutorials for my Blood Angels and I have actually had people ask where to buy them. You rock

    3. Just shoot me a note on facebook (James Wappel), and I can set you up with any selection from the whole set of 53! Either USB drive or dropbox...
