
Monday, March 23, 2015

Stepping into the Parallax...

We have returned from Adepticon!  For the moment, at least.  Only minimal unpacking of the studio for now, but I wanted to post some images of a very fun miniature that I was glad to paint.

This is from Parallax Miniatures, and it is a subject matter that I have wanted to paint for years.  I had thought about sculpting a race of cat/human hybrid characters for a long time, but someone has done it for me!  Yay!

The moment I saw the miniature, I had this kind of scene in mind.  Obviously, the new bark and branch basing style figured prominently.

Here's a link to their facebook page:

Many thanks to Mr. Justin and his fantastic snow products.  And yes, I finally used his crushed glass/water effects method as it was intended . :-)

I wanted to see if I could match the Army Painter snow covered tufts, and the only way I could see to do that was to use the Secret Weapon method.  I sprinkled 'regular' snow flock powder on top of the mixture before it dried, with really amazing results.

Thanks again to Mr. Justin, and to Parallax Miniatures!!!


  1. Very nice. Figure much blend into the background (tree trunk) and also with base (white and brown tones), but I'd say it was about Your intent.

  2. That is very, very nice. Congrats on your win at Adepticon.

    1. Thanks! It was a crazy journey to get to Adepticon, which is happening way too much the last 3 years. I can only hope that 2016 is easier :-)
