
Monday, December 22, 2014

That Really Grinds my Gears

Let's create another set of Steampunk/Sci-Fi/Wild West style bases!  This set will have more deck plating and gears!

I glued a variety of plasticard textures directly to the Burn In Designs wooden "punch outs".

Square Polystyrene rods were used to trim out the corners...

And my sculpey rivets were placed in a few key spots to finish off the base!

This process was repeated using other kinds of deck plating textures.

Each one was trimmed in the same manner with the square polystyrene and rivets.

Some of you might recall the plastic gears which I used on the RJ-1027 power generator.

Some of you might also remember how I used the left over plastic sprues on the original Wayward Eight bases.  They proved to be an excellent material!

I even combined them with the Happy Seppuku moulds again.  There are several articles on those bases!

Once again, rivets added for a touch of additional texture.

Looking more and more like a set of bases!

But let's not forget those very cool gears!!

Yet another set!!

Here's one of the previous sprue posts:


  1. Very cool, but I'm a bit worried about the durability of some of the bases with gears.
    They look like they could easily snap off.

    1. No need to fear! They are all glued to other pieces of plastic, so they are fused together with plastic glue :-)
