
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Cutting no corners...

Now for another phase of the Jailhouse from Burn in Designs!

After the Flex Paste had dried, it was time to paint the walls!

I put out some basic colors on the palette... a few reddish browns, a grey, and an off white.

The reddish brown and grey were mixed together to create a darker, cooler red shade.

Some of the lighter browns, and even the off white were eventually mixed in as I brushed over the lighter colors with a larger flat brush.

By working rapidly with these broad strokes, the paint stayed wet enough for enough time to allow me to mix right on the panels.  The same was done for painting the stucco portions of the walls, scumbling the paint as before.

All four exterior walls painted!  Again, keeping the colors somewhat grayed down important, as well as maintaining a lot of subtle variety in the shading.

I used a mix of metallic paints and regular colors to paint the window bars.

Some preliminary stains painted on... but the majority of that work will be done later with weathering powders.

To hide the corner seams a little more, I applied flex paste to those edges once the pieces were glued together.

Once the secondary details were added, such as the weathering powders, these seams would be far less noticeable in the stucco areas.

I used a few Secret Weapon washes on the metal bars to tone them down and stain them a bit, and then glued them in place.

I also made some more variety of shades in the exposed brick portions of the exterior walls...

And finished gluing the cells in place.  Stay tuned for the next episode, where you will see all the final details, including wanted posters, added to this fine Jailhouse from Burn In Designs!!!

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