
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Order from chaos?

I was fortunate enough this weekend to get a little assist in attempting to reinvigorate a work area that has been brutalized by way too much work, and far too many disasters.

This is about as organized as the paint jars have been over the last 8 months or so.

So, a certain purveyor of laser cut wood said they would come to the rescue!  And so, we have some nifty products from Burn In Designs.

Here's the full range:

Right away, I figured that I could get just about all my jars of paint into these.  I don't have all that many.  Shockingly few, in fact!  Here are some Secret Weapon washes finding a home...

Since I have ended up with a majority of the dropper style bottles now... we have this set up!

It's a "snap" to put together...yup, I went there.

Ready for paint!

Filling up fast, and emptying out the food containers at last.

Armed and dangerous!

It's amazing what this did already, and there are many more products that can solve a host of other organizing issues.  The jars of paint really stay in these very well, so it also means viability of transport too!

Ah yes, back home again.  Typical look of the workstation.  Since every day has become an exercise in madness, I have taken to the "pull and toss" method.  That is, pull a jar of paint out of the box and toss it aside so that I can get back to painting more quickly.

This leads to multiple jars of the same color piled up around me, to the point where I am actually resting my arms on the rolling jars as I paint.  Lots of them simply end up on the floor.

Yikes!  What happened?!

Those of you who have watched me paint via the blog, in person or have seen some of the videos know that I will use old jars of paint to hold miniatures that have been based or parts of figures.

Many times, I have knocked over those jars onto the palette.  Those days are now gone!  Now they will all be held in place.  Yay!

Looks just a wee bit different, doesn't it?  

So, a shout out to Burn In Designs!!!  Thanks so much!


  1. Very nice and tidy workspace now.
    Well done !

    1. Thanks :-) I am hoping to get more of these items... and more 'regular' shelving as well...

  2. Looks great! About how much does it weigh? Shipping is a concern for some ;-)

    1. I could not say exactly, since I started putting stuff in them right away. That might have been a few pounds at most...

  3. Nice and tidy space! I wonder how long it will stay that way :).

    1. At the current rate, about 12 hours :-) However, it is a much better starting point!

  4. Those miniature stands on top are a wonderful addition! It will help remind one of who is next in the queue.

    1. One never knows what might end up in front of a brush! There are many more shelves of additional minis 'hidden' from view ;-)

  5. I bought some similar laser cut wood shelves for pots from an Australian company, but I got them ordered through a local game store. I like this design a lot too. You can see them in this post, I ordered more, but it seems my paint rack is getting wider than the table.

    1. Yes indeed... "paint creep" can definitely happen!

  6. This is the company that made the paint racks I bought:
