
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Here comes Stompy

OK!  Here you go!

First one down.  I am working up different freehand designs for each one, obviously within the Mechanicus theme.  The next one will have the checkerboard patter, I think!

From above.  These buggers are more complex than dreadnoughts, partially due to the more organic surfaces, but also to all the 'open' areas, such as the bolter feed.  I had to essentially melt that down with a hair drier so that I could get it to fit!

I figured that these might be tougher, based on what I had to do with the Krios tank.  More to come!


  1. Looks great! Lord knows I love me some reds. Have you ever done a start to finish about how your prep/ build models? Or just painting? I'd be interested in seeing what you do with some of the more complex kits, especially Forge World.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I believe there are a few of those showing how to assemble the larger CoolMini monsters, the Ultraforge figures and probably other Forgerworld pieces.

  2. Glorious. Do you mind if I ask how long you spent on this guy?

    1. Many thanks for the kind words! It is impossible to say exactly, since I am working on dozens of things at the same time. Best guess is 20-22 hours.

    2. Thanks for the reply, I often wonder how much time is invested in models of this quality.

  3. Love the color scheme on this, great work!
