
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A new Favorite is found

Here are some more types of backdrops.  I knew the red one might be a little too much, but I just had to see what it looked like!

It's still fun, because it does create an interesting theme.

Now for the crazy one!  Trying it on green this time.  I thought this would be really crazy, but once again, I wanted to see what it looked like.  It does emphasize certain colors, that's for sure!

Now this one is my personal favorite.  While I will always trend towards the blue/white fade, this one seemed to be the most balanced.  It didn't burn anything out or make something invisible, and it set off the red nicely.

The heavy mottling of the backdrop is very helpful.  The infusion of the purple/gray is great, while the warmer tans keep the reds from going too bonkers!

So, I will continue to see what the other ones look like!!!

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