
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

She'll fight her way into your heart.

More work on the Hangar 18 Pinup Girl.  When you see the colors playing out on the palette, you will know why I had been painting so many of the Memoir 44 Americans!

Recognize the colors?  Look familiar?  Yes indeed, the same shaded basecoat colors, and the same glazes!

I was also trying to follow the original art as closely as possible.  Knowing that she is kneeling on the green jeep, I had to be sure and reflect as much of the green onto the shadow areas of the skin as possible.  That would happen on the legs, the closest area to all that green.

You can see me mixing the teal and flesh color together on the palette, mixed in with a little of the Valejo shade.

Then it was on to the face, and bringing out more details!

All the green shading on the legs is now complete.  I put some more extreme highlights on the skin tones...

More face details, and even a few scrapes.  While I had the Transparent Red out on the palette, I also put some rouge on the cheeks, and other parts of the chest.

Moving along!  More shading on the uniform and helmet, as well as the weapon.

I put in the deepest darks at this point.

With the darkest colors and the mid tones established, I could the do those final bright highlights!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well done, wappellious! Love it!

    (for some reason I wrote "Well done, Zab!" in the first try... getting old)

    1. Glad you liked this one! Will be posting the finished pictures soon!!

  3. Wonderfully done James. I am very impressed with your work & the amount you seem to pump out. It also has me wondering what one of your first miniatures painted looks like compared to how well you do today.

    1. Many thanks! I do have some articles on the blog that show older things. A sort of "then and now" look. I think it was a series of Reaper miniatures dancing girls.... A huge difference over time, in both appearance and speed :-)

  4. James, how did you manage to paint the rest of the legs with the putty?

    1. Once I had all the other stuff painted, I took her off the paint jar and painted the tiny areas (which already had some initial layers of paint. This allowed me to really match the colors that would be reflecting from the greens on the jeep!

  5. Very nice, what scale is the model, it could easily be 54 or 70mm

    1. Thanks! I believe it is a 54, but might be a 35... A little hard to tell.

  6. Hello. very impressive work. We shared the link for this post in our facebook page

    Looking forward to more amazing painting.
