
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Tiny soldiers?

Hey!  Back to some historical minis... courtesy of Memoir '44.  They put the 'mini' in miniature, as you saw by the comparison shot.

These are technically French troops, but we thought we would paint a portion of them in Italian color scheme.

It's hard to clean up the mould lines, but I gave that my best shot.

Some gray primer from Badger sticks right to it!

Now for the real paint.  A bit of Clouded Sea from Reaper.

I used a little Vallejo Highlight USMC.  I was not worried about any kind of nicety in the painting.  I will be doing a number of glazes later...

I continued to lighten up certain areas, moving more towards the the light grayish green shade.

I mixed that same light gray with a terra cotta color to make some skin colors.

Time for glazing!  I brought out these dandies so that I could work very quickly.

You can see the watered down liner paints, along with the Black Shade.

Here they are after the initial layers.

I followed up with some darker colors to define a few areas, such as the backpacks, etc.

I went back in with some lighter skin colors as well.

Now the faces and hands have a bit more shape.  Obviously, these are not the most perfectly sculpted faces in the history of miniatures... but, they are super tiny!

I added a few more details here and there...

I decided to add some mud splatters to the overcoats, which would make a nice color contrast to all the blueish gray, and make them look more like they had been in trenches (which is where they would be in the upcoming scenario!)

Coats muddied up!  I also added some touches of red for epaulets and on the collars, like we had seen in a bunch of research photos.  That was another nice splash of color, and would make them instantly recognizable from the French versions.

This is a standard 28mm figure towering over them.  Gives you a real sense of how tiny they really are!!

It was a lot of fun painting them.  Now they would be fighting for their very lives in an exciting scenario that Rich created himself!  That is coming up tomorrow, methinks...

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