
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sisters at the ready!

Time for some fun pictures!   First,  we feature the converted Secret Weapon RAV 6 × 6 tank.  Standing guard is one of the units of Sisters. 

I had a lot of fun making the armour skirts and Exorcist turret.  There are previous posts showing how it was made.

I was really itching to see the Sisters side by side with thier beloved tank!

These were all painted at radically different times, but the shaded basecoat technique eliminates any worries! 

The view from above,  showing how the bases, vehicle and armor all tie in together. 

Next up, some posts on the completed Seraphim. 


  1. That is just outstanding. The conversion is superb, but the paint job is phenomenal! The entire unit looks great together. Superb effort!!!!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! It all had to be done in such a hurry... I was concerned it would not have the same feel as what I had envisioned...
