
Saturday, December 14, 2013

The pipes are blowing

Here we have something fantastic from Victoria Miniatures!  It is something you will see much more of on the blog.  This is the fantastic Highland Guard set.

Obviously, it is a set of ten.  Legs, heads and pouches in this image.

Now we have the guns, packs and torsos.  They all fit together very nicely.

These are the command sprues, so that you can make the Sergeant and Piper.

All the parts after filing and washing...

Assembly under way.

The piper comes with an alternate head.  It is so cool that he can be stylin' with his goggles but still slam the pipes!!!

Here's the Sergeant.

And the Piper!

There are a number of different heads, torsos, gun options, and so on.

More shots.  Everything was very easy to work with.  No air bubbles, or any of those other annoying things!  Spectacular work by Victoria.

I am going to enjoy painting these so much.  Also, if need be, the scale and proportions of these are close enough to work some conversion magic with a certain other company. ;-)

More poses!

And now for that size comparison.  If you need a chain sword or grenade launcher, etc., it should be easy pickins to do so!

Many thanks to Victoria for allowing me to do some work with these guys.  As I mentioned, you will see much more of these as time goes by.  Also, I will be working on her new set of  guardsmen... straight from the stockade!

Here's a link:


  1. Ooooh! Very steampunky, I like those. I see opportunity there for cool Death Korps of Krieg or Armageddon Steel Legion conversions...

    1. They also make a wide variety of other guard units which are very cool and versatile...

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the tartan!

    I met Victoria at Adepticon last year. She is a really nice person and great artist.

    1. Yes she is! I am searching around to find just the right pattern...
