
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dominating the conversation

Well, when I posted the first images of this the other day, I did not expect to create such a gigantic firestorm of angst and rage.  No matter how many times I tried to explain that this was just a fun piece made for an Inquisitor RPG, that was ignored and the flames grew higher.

The whole idea behind this was for it to be outlandish, powered as it was by Xenos tech from a corrupt Inquisitor.  It was that technology that made this 'fly'.  The engines that you see are mere directional thrusters.

Here's a close up of the unit insignia, which was a lot of fun!  I love creating new logos :-)

I will still try to finish this off, especially now with all the Secret Weapon products that I now have!

Aside from the wings, the majority of the work went to creating the crew cabin.  That had to be enlarged to that it could also work as a transport for the retinue.

Any named vehicle needs nose art, so here we go!


  1. I think the vehicle is crazy and I like it! And I would say that the majority of people who don't like it have made up something at least this crazy in their games--cause that's what role-playing is for! : )
    Keep going!

    I am impressed that you bought a Titan missile launcher for it. That's what puts it over the top for me. : )

  2. I think she's an absolute beauty that deserves more coverage, not outrage. I can just imagine some rogue tech adept cobbling it together around the mysterious power source, so you've done your job perfectly

    1. Many thanks for you words of wisdom! If that would just spread everywhere :-)

  3. Love the camo effect, brilliant as always.

  4. Replies
    1. There was much fun had with this vehicle. Lots of RPG going on!

  5. The fact that this was built before the stormraven is great. You beat them to the absurdity of a flying tank and did a better job at it. I dont see how anyone can be outraged at this. It's a shame you aren't an ork player.

    1. Thanks! Actually, I do have an ork army that is sitting around. In fact, I had been scratch building 2 battlewagons...

  6. Amazing. The lovechild of a thunderhawk and a superheavy! I can imagine the purist rage flak your receiving. But DeVinci got stick for his flying machines. :)

    1. Yes, the purist rage over a pretend universe is always interesting :-)

  7. Personally i'm really amazed how people are so enraged about this... To me, the model is Superb, and i would love to run it in one of my Pen&Paper games.
    It also has some resemblance of old WW2 German super wild tank ideas. Definitely a big plus!

    Once again, hats of to you great sir, on your exquisite work.

    - Leiska
