
Sunday, May 26, 2013

The forest for the trees... some glazing

Here we have the miniature which I will be using for the glazing video.  This tree warrior is from Raging Heroes.  This video will be a bit different, in that the painting of the base is a big part of the lesson.  My purpose is to show the glazing as much as possible, so  I want to have the surface textures of the base included.

This guy is painted in a more 'uniform' base set of colors to begin, to make it much easier to demonstrate how you can manipulate the hues and colors of your glazes to tint your darker colors.

I didn't want to get caught up in NMM, or anything of that nature, so I went directly to nature to find a more 'neutral' set of textures. :-)  This way, it's all about making things darker in an interesting way.

On the subject of Kickstarters, Raging Heroes has posted a few new characters on their website.  This is yet another character for the upcoming kickstarter.  I can think of one or two IG characters she could stand in for!!!

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