
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Gunther: Ilyad Miniatures Guardian

This post has some close up images of the miniature I used for the diorama.  Ilyad always sculpted the armor very nicely, without those crazy anomalies that leave you guessing how the heck you are supposed to paint it!

The cloaks were always straightforward as well.  Each figure had a lot of personality to the armor, but they were fun to paint!

Here are some more close ups of the mini and the diorama...

One last view of the mural before all the foliage materials were applied!


  1. Hello james
    can you say to us how you make the NMM of the ax, please

    You created tutoriels in video but How it works and will there be subtitles in particular in French?
    thank you for all

    1. I don't think there will be subtitles, as I have not been able to find a good translation software. There are other issues as well...

  2. with GW paint please

    1. I didn't use GW paint on this... and I also do not know the names of the new colors. The most recent GW colors I can think of would be shadow grey, lightened with space wolves grey. I did a blue/black glaze on the darker shadow areas.

      I did some final highlights with a yellowish white.

      Hopefully this is useful!

  3. Yes thank you, what paint use you then?

    1. It is a mixture of a lot of different paints. There are more vallejo and reaper paints now, as we don't get to the local GW store any more.
