
Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Mighty Mimes of Moria take the field!

OK!  Introducing the rest of the Mimes!

You have already met the Coach and a few of the team members, (including star player Jaques with 44 SPP's amassed!)  but there are many more.  Here we have Lutins Merci, Guillaume (with a whopping 53 SPP's), Le Grenadier, and Guy.

In this photo, we have Lutin Orvile, who, despite an injury which slowed him down, had block.  He was a great candidate for the defensive Gobbo toss, in which he would be thrown at the opposing ball carrier in the backfield... especially throwers, who are almost never given block.  The 2 dice opponent's call then works in  your favor!  Next is Lutin Michelle, followed by Lutin Luc, who with his +1 agility was the guy who got the ball.

It was his job to hand it off to Guillame or Jaque, who would then be tossed by Pierre with his Strong Arm.

Speaking of Pierre, here he is with his buddy Francois.

The gobbo toss formation was a very specific one, developed over many tosses. :-)  No one ever figured out how to stop it.  If they did back up in an attempt to do so, I just marched down the field, using saws, fanatics, and my block Lutins to clear the way.  All I needed to do was get far enough down the field for someone with sprint to get through a hole to the end zone!

Look at Francois with his huge glass of Chablis.  He never played without it.

Now we have some tricksters, such as Le Baton de Pogo, and Le Tronconneuse.

The parasol Lutin was used as a marker during the throwing process.  Since the throw can never be accurate (bummer!), he tends to bounce around into places you would rather he not go!

Usually, a goblin toss would only work 1 out of every 3 attempts once I had all the skill sets amassed on the correct players.  Without them, it is more like 1 in 6!

Oooh look, a yummy cheese wheel!  Tasty treats from D'anardo's!

Looking at the final team roster, these guys had compiled over 260 SPP's, with a winning record of 7-6-3.  Not bad for Gobbos!  There were 8 players with 20 or more SPP's.  There was a great range of sneaky skills, with lots of side step, block, sprint, jump up, etc.

The down side, of course, was a Goblin team that gave up tons and tons of inducements.  Does not seem right, does it?


  1. Best looking concept and team...EVER!!! 'Bout time you finally showed them off.

    1. I've been waiting a log time to get these guys posted! That first season will always be the coolest season of BBowl!
