
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Some Angron management...painting work in progress

As we waited all day to hear from the mechanics at the garage (still waiting, so no word until Friday, I guess) I ramped up the work on the Forgewprld Angron set.  I had been working on the other parts for 2-3 days, but I wanted to concentrate the photos on Angron himself.

This is a gold recipe that I have not used in a long time.  It is modified a bit, but it should still be fun!  It is based on snakebite leather.  There are some Vallejo colors I have been using for the last year or two for this purpose, but I wanted to give this a try. :-)

You can see the snakebite leather (mixed with some very dark brown) applied across every gold surface.

Working with my usual shaded basecoat technique, I thought about how I would get to my lighter colors.  

This view of my temporary palette gives you a sense of the plan... I wanted a cooler light on the left, and a slightly warmer light on the right.  The warmer colors will generally be facing upwards, and the cooler shades towards the ground.

Those warmer tones are mixed in with my lights on the sky facing surfaces...

And the cooler lights towards the ground.

To make sure I don't end up with an 'orphan color", that light color is also applied to the fur cape.

The skulls get more of a red, so that they separate a bit from everything else.

A bit of that tone is used on the face.  Later tonight I will have another post to show the progression of the lightest highlights.  Then it will be time for glazing and tinting fun!!!


  1. Awesome work as always! I don't comment a lot, but I always marvel at what you do. It shows how much of an artist you are when you can do such a variety of work.

    1. Many thanks! Often I forget just how wide ranging all this stuff can be. I think we all begin to assume at some point that if we do something, everyone else must be doing that as well...

  2. I have recently taken a page from your book with pre-shading/highlights before glazing to push the shadows and add depth where I need/want. It really does afford a lot more control and once you get to the glaze part the appearance of the mini changes in leaps and bounds. I'm not sure it is faster for me right now, but it feels like it is. Though, it is a bit scary at first because I have found with the glazing it's easy to push it too far and really hard to go back.

    1. The whole shaded basecoat thing developed as a self defense mechanic for painting my own armies. It is usually so long in between times that I get to paint my own stuff, it is almost impossible to remember what colors I used! This method relies far less on specific colors, and lets you work with whatever might be at hand.

      It also simplifies those color mixes! I do hope it gives you all the flexibility it has given me!
